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Inviting Raised Porch

Plan No. 201550

About this plan

Beyond the inviting raised porch is an attractive decor ceiling over the foyer. This design is perfect for a lot with a view to the front or rear. Spacious rooms with good sight lines and lots of closets make this a delightful family home. You'll like the main floor utility next to the family bath, perfect for kids returning home from play.

Full Specs and Features

Main Floor Area14638' 0"
Basement Area14468' 0"
GaragesTwo Car Garage
CategoriesHillside Rancher House Plans
Finished Square Feet1463
Width40' 0"
Depth60' 0"
ArchitecturalStylesMediterranean Style House Plans, Santa Fe and Southwest House Plans
External Wall FinishesStucco
External Wall Types2x6
Roof FinishesAsphalt Shingles
Max Ridge Height18' 0"
Roof Pitch6/12
Foundation TypesBasement

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